
ESG data

Data on Environment

Item Scope Unit Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2022
CO2 emissions(1) Consolidated t-CO2 142,598 152,795 154,230
CO2 emissions (per floor space)(2) Consolidated T-CO2/m2 0.122 0.121 0.109
Total energy consumption(3) Consolidated GJ 3,518,052 3,535,489 3,740,395

(1) CO2 emissions include emissions associated with the use of fuels and use of electricity and heat supplies. The method and scope used for calculation are the same as those used for regular reporting stipulated by the Act on the Rationalization, etc. of Energy Use.
(2) Floor space is as of March 31 of each fiscal year.
(3) The method and scope used to calculate energy consumption are the same as those used for regular reporting stipulated by the Act on the Rationalization, etc. of Energy Use.

Data on Society

Item Scope Unit Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2022
Male 5,387 5,546 5,742
Total number of employees(1) Female Consolidated Persons 8,618 8,677 8,971
Total 14,005 14,223 14,713
Male 1,568 1,525 1,582
Average number of temporary employees Female Consolidated Persons 6,824 6,700 6,806
Tatal 8,392 8,225 8,388

(1) As of March 31 of each fiscal year
“(2) A manager (Head of Section level) is defined as follows based on the definitions by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
1) A person who is usually called “”Head of Section”” in an office and is a head of an organization that has either two or more sub-sections or ten or more members (including the Head of Section).
2) A person in the same office who is not a Head of Section, but whose duties and responsibilities are equivalent to those of a Head of Section, irrespective of his/her title and members (and who is not at a lowest rank).”
(3) The scope used to calculate the ratio of employees with disabilities covers the Group companies under the special provision for calculation in a corporate group (SUNDRUG, DIREX, Seikodo, and SUNDRUG Dreamworks)

Data on Governance

Item Unit Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2022
Number of Directors Male Persons 6 6 6
Female 1 1 1
Total 7 7 7
Number of Independent External Directors Male Persons 2 2 2
Female 1 1 1
Total 3 3 3