1. Details of discussions at meetings of ESG Promotion Committee
The ESG Promotion Committee discusses medium- to long-term company-wide topics and directions, including material issues (materiality) related to sustainability and corresponding targets. It also engages in specific discussions on measures addressing individual topics such as identification of and countermeasures for environmental and social risks, promotion of women’s advancement, social contribution activities, and disclosure of ESG (non-financial) information.
2. Identification and management of environmental and social risks
We have established an ESG Promotion Committee chaired by the President for the purpose of planning and promoting group-wide ESG management. It is a committee under the direct purview of the President and Representative Director on par with the Compliance and Risk Management Committee and the Safety and Health Committee. It regularly reviews material issues under the direction and approval of the Board of Directors and summarizes and reviews progress on initiatives to solve material issues. It also reports the results to the Board of Directors. In response to the reports on the details of discussions by the ESG Promotion Committee, the Board of Directors discusses and supervises long-term ESG targets and progress on initiatives.
3. Formulation of activity plans in each department
Employees are familiarized with the various measures and decisions approved by the ESG Promotion Committee and reported to the Board of Directors via the internal network. The ESG Promotion Committee also shares relevant information through reporting sessions held with each department within the Company. In addition, based on those decisions, each department and office 1) analyzes and checks legal systems and regulations related to the business activities of each Group company and business and 2) sets targets for environmental, social and governance initiatives based on that analysis and confirmation and establishes action plans for achieving those targets at the beginning of the year.
4. Internal education
Sustainability and ESG are increasing in importance, and to promote these activities, the SUNDRUG Group believes that it is important that each employee understands the background behind the calls for active efforts and the Group’s thinking on ESG activities and that this is incorporated into their work. We provide training in lecture format through new employee training, annual training, store manager meetings, and more as well as e-learning.