

SUNDRUG Group Code of Conduct

The SUNDRUG Group aims to create good cheer and fun in daily life to realize healthy, rich lives for the Japanese people, which is our Corporate Philosophy, through drugstore, dispensing pharmacy, cosmetics store, and variety store operations.
To pursue this philosophy, we believe it is essential to practice responsible conduct and maintain the respect of all stakeholders for being a corporate group that is well equipped to discharge its responsibilities to society.
Guided by these convictions, we have established a Group Code of Conduct that plots a course for each individual executive and employee to follow in the course of their work and norms to underpin their conduct, as well as promoting initiatives aligned with the observance of social responsibilities in relation to the Group’s business activities. Each and every person working in the SUNDRUG Group is to understand and comply with this Group Code of Conduct, and act with sincerity and integrity in accordance with high ethical standards.
We have also established an internal whistleblowing system in order to ensure that conduct violating the Group Code of Conduct, illegal acts, fraudulent conduct and other inappropriate behavior can be detected and problems addressed at an early stage.
In the event of a serious incident in violation of the Group Code of Conduct, we will endeavor to determine the causes and prevent future recurrences.
The Board of Directors reviews the Group Code of Conduct periodically and determines revisions and abolitions as necessary.

1. Customer satisfaction

We provide products and services attuned to customers’ needs, and endeavor to gain the trust and satisfaction of our customers.
(1) We provide customers with appropriate products and services based on knowledge of healthcare practices and products, communication, and high ethical standards, as professionals engaged in business relating to customers’ health and wellbeing.
(2) We respond promptly and appropriately with due consideration to the customer’s position in the event of any request or complaint from a customer.
(3) We use requests and complaints received from customers to improve our products, services and customer relations, and prevent complaints before they occur.
(4) We do not use expressions or displays likely to mislead customers about product features or pricing.

2. Integrity in business activities

We comply with laws, regulations and social norms, and conduct corporate activities freely, fairly, and transparently.
(1) Legal and regulatory compliance: We comply with statutory provisions, social norms, internal regulations, and contractual agreements with business partners in all business activities. In management, we pursue sound, highly transparent corporate governance.
(2) Prohibition on anticompetitive practices: We respect the principles of fair and free dealing, observe competition-related laws and regulations, and never become involved in illegal conduct.
(3) Prohibition on inappropriate provision and receipt of benefits: We neither accept nor furnish money, goods, or benefits for the purpose of obtaining or maintaining improper advantage or preferential treatment.
(4) Prohibition on corruption and bribery: We comply with relevant statutory provisions and internal regulations, and maintain healthy, normal relationships with government and bureaucracy.
(5) Prohibition on dealing with antisocial forces: We do not engage in any way whatsoever with antisocial forces or organizations.
(6) Prevention of personal information leakage: We manage all kinds of personal information properly in accordance with statutory provisions and internal regulations.
(7) Protection of intellectual property: We respect the intellectual property rights of others, and do not use intellectual property improperly.

3. Respect for human rights

We comply with norms relating to human rights, respect the human rights of all people, and never violate human rights.
(1) We are attentive to the human rights impact of all our business activities and deal appropriately with human rights violations.
(2) We do not discriminate or disregard individual dignity on the basis of sex, age, race, place of origin, nationality, beliefs, religion, disability, occupation, mode of employment, or other differences.
(3) We promote awareness-raising and educational activities relating to human rights, and eradicate physical, mental, and sexual harassment from our workplaces.
(4) We provide an environment that ensures the safety and health of all employees in all workplaces.
(5) We reject all forms of child labor, forced labor, and discipline.

4. Consideration for the environment

We endeavor to conserve the natural environment globally and locally, and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.
(1) We consider the environmental impact of all business activities, comply with environment-related laws and regulations, and work to address environmental problems.
(2) We provide products and services that reduce environmental load, and contribute to the conservation of global and local environments through our business activities.
(3) We endeavor to raise environmental consciousness by pursuing environment-related education and awareness-raising activities.

5. Contribution to local communities

We contribute to the advancement of local communities through business and communication activities.
(1) We use our business activities to play a part in the infrastructure of daily life, and achieve growth and resolution of problems in local communities.
(2) We take steps toward co-existence with local communities, through collaboration with a broad range of stakeholders.

6. Formation of safe and vibrant workplaces

We respect the diversity of all employees and take steps to form safe, healthy workplace environments.
(1) We build a vibrant organizational culture where employees’ diversity and individuality is respected, and where they can give free rein to their abilities.
(2) We realize healthy workplace environments by pursuing safety and health activities and promoting mental and physical health.

7. Protection of company property and information

We manage and preserve company rights and property, both tangible and intangible, appropriately in accordance with internal rules, and use them only for legitimate work purposes.
(1) We manage company rights and property properly in accordance with rules, and use them only for legitimate work purposes.
(2) We secure and maintain company rights and property, and avoid violating the rights and property of others.
(3) We manage digital information properly in accordance with statutory provisions and internal regulations, and carry out thorough security measures.
(4) We safely manage and handle all forms of personal information properly in accordance with statutory provisions and internal regulations.
(5) We manage confidential corporate information strictly, and never disclose or divulge it without the prescribed procedures, either while employed or after ceasing employment.

8. Disclosure of business information

We disclose essential business information to stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner, raise the transparency of management, and achieve accountability.
(1) We disclose business activities, management conditions, and other forms of business information to stakeholders in a timely, appropriate, and fair manner.
(2) We pursue constructive dialogue with a broad range of stakeholders, and achieve accountability.
(3) We endeavor to prevent dealings that involve or may invite suspicion of insider trading.

Code of Conduct for Business Partners

1. Code of Conduct for Business Partners

The SUNDRUG Group aims to create good cheer and fun in daily life to realize healthy, rich lives for the Japanese people, which is our Corporate Philosophy, through drugstore, dispensing pharmacy, cosmetics store, and variety store operations. To pursue this philosophy, we believe it is essential to practice responsible conduct and maintain the respect of all stakeholders for being a corporate group that is well equipped to discharge its responsibilities to society. The SUNDRUG Group has established a Group Code of Conduct to be observed in the course of work, as a set of norms for an organization that regulates itself in relation to society. Based on this approach, we have also established a Code of Conduct for Business Partners, in order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society in cooperation with our business partners across the entire supply chain. We respectfully request that all business partners understand and cooperate with the principles of this Code of Conduct.

2. Application of the Code of Conduct for Business Partners

(1) Business partners: Please ensure you understand the Code of Conduct for Business Partners (hereinafter referred to as “the Code”) and pursue your activities in accordance with it.
(2) Please take steps to put the Code into practice not only within your own company but also encompassing the suppliers that you deal with.
(3) Please cooperate with sharing information on adherence to the Code with the SUNDRUG Group as necessary.
(4) In the event that you detect conduct in contravention of the Code, please report to SUNDRUG Group operating company with which you deal. Moreover, please take corrective action promptly, and institute countermeasures to prevent recurrence.

1. Safety of products and services

Ensure the responsible provision of goods and services and engage in marketing activities to deliver healthy, rich lives.
(1) Comply with statutory provisions and standards relating to the quality and safety of products and services.
(2) Provide and disclose information relating to the quality and safety of products and services in a timely and appropriate manner.
(3) Comply with laws, regulations, and social norms, and endeavor to discharge responsibilities in areas such as respect for human rights and conservation of the global environment.

2. Integrity in business activities

We comply with laws, regulations and social norms, and conduct corporate activities freely, fairly, and transparently.
(1) Legal and regulatory compliance: Comply with statutory provisions, social norms, internal regulations, and contractual agreements with business partners in all business activities. In management, pursue sound, highly transparent corporate governance.
(2) Prohibition on anticompetitive practices: Respect the principles of fair and free dealing, observe competition-related laws and regulations, and never become involved in illegal conduct.
(3) Prohibition on inappropriate provision and receipt of benefits: Neither accept nor furnish money, goods, or benefits for the purpose of obtaining or maintaining improper advantage or preferential treatment.
(4) Prohibition on corruption and bribery: Comply with relevant statutory provisions and internal regulations, and maintain healthy, normal relationships with government and bureaucracy.
(5) Prohibition on dealing with antisocial forces: Do not engage in any way whatsoever with antisocial forces or organizations.
(6) Prevention of personal information leakage: Manage all kinds of personal information properly in accordance with statutory provisions and internal regulations.
(7) Protection of intellectual property: Respect the intellectual property rights of others, and do not use intellectual property improperly.

3. Respect for human rights

Comply with norms relating to human rights, respect the human rights of all people, and never violate human rights.
(1) Be attentive to the human rights impact of all business activities and deal appropriately with human rights violations.
(2) Do not discriminate or disregard individual dignity on the basis of sex, age, race, place of origin, nationality, beliefs, religion, disability, occupation, mode of employment, or other differences.
(3) Promote awareness-raising and educational activities relating to human rights, and eradicate physical, mental, and sexual harassment from workplaces.
(4) Provide an environment that ensures the safety and health of all employees in all workplaces.
(5) Reject all forms of child labor, forced labor, and discipline.

4. Consideration for the environment

Endeavor to conserve the natural environment globally and locally, and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.
(1) Consider the environmental impact of all business activities, comply with environment-related laws and regulations, and work to address environmental problems.
(2) Provide products and services that reduce environmental load, and contribute to the conservation of global and local environments through business activities.
(3) Endeavor to raise environmental consciousness by pursuing environment-related education and awareness-raising activities.

5. Information security

(1) Properly collect, manage, use, and provide personal information in compliance with laws and regulations.
(2) Carefully manage personal and confidential information, and ensure it is not leaked.
(3) Immediately report to the relevant organization and appropriate SUNDRUG Group staff member in the event that there is a leak of personal information, and take measures to prevent damage from escalating.